Group Work Expectations
This group work expectations product includes a group work booklet, seven adorable posters that teach collaboration (team work) skills and two group evaluation rubrics. The rubrics help students evaluate how well they worked in groups by circling a smiley, plain, or frown face next to each item such as listening to each other and taking turns. There is an advanced version with a rating scale for older students. There is also a section for them to reflect on what went well and what areas could use improvement.
I. Overview - pg. 4-5
II. Group Work Student Booklets - pg. 6-12
III. Collaboration Chant - pg. 13
IV. Collaboration Posters - pg. 14-20
• Collaboration Definition Poster
• What does Collaboration look like? Poster
• Speaking Softly Poster
• Listening to Each Other Poster
• Taking Turns Poster
• Encouraging Each Other Poster
• Doing our Jobs Poster
V. Group Evaluation Rubrics (Self-Assessments) - pg. 21-22
• Group Evaluation Chart - faces version (younger students)
• Group Evaluation Chart - rating scale (older students)
VI. Credits - pg. 23
Poster size: 8 ½" x 11"
Grade Levels: PreK-3 File Type: PDF (Acrobat) Document File