Reading Bundle
Help your students to take ownership of their learning by setting goals and tracking their progress! There are over 70 pages of reading charts, graphs, posters, book report pages and more.
This reading bundle includes the following two products. Click on the links to see each product. You can download the previews of each one to see exactly what is included in this bundle.
Teach your students how to set appropriate goals and track their reading fluency progress throughout the year!
This package includes:
• 8 goal setting posters
• 2 posters on words per minute (WPM)
• 1 poster on reading comprehension
• 1 poster on reading fluency
• 1 word per minute reading fluency chart
• 8 daily WPM reading fluency graph options (days & tries)
• 8 weekly WPM reading fluency graph options (days & tries)
• 4 yearly WPM reading fluency graph options (quarterly)
• 1 unfamiliar words recording chart
You've heard of writing portfolios but how about reading portfolios? Keep track of your students reading adventures throughout the year with this reading portfolio! Students can record all the books they have read throughout the year on their reading logs. Have students complete 3-5 book reports over the year and pick and choose from several fun book report pages. Put everything together in a spiral bound book for students to take home at the end of the year for a lasting keepsake!
Pages Included:
I. Instructions – pg. 3
II. Parent Letter – pg. 4
III. Reading Portfolio Covers – pg. 5-6
IV. Reading Portfolio Table of Contents – pg. 7-8
V. Student Reading Logs – pg. 9-10
VI. Super Reader Awards – pg. 11-13
VII. Book Awards – pg. 14-18
VIII. Book Report Pages – pg. 19-29
IX. Book Report Grading Rubric – pg. 30
X. Credits – pg. 31
Poster Size: 8 ½" x 11"
Grade Levels: 2-6 File Type: PDF (Acrobat) Document File